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Note: We currently provide a free-tier to all Replix users for a limited time until we are ready to offer additional features. For every update, we will inform you first.

Replix AI Demo Releases


19th Apr 2023 – now powered by GPT-4! We’ve supercharged your AI-powered content creation, expanded platform integrations, and made substantial improvements to app performance. Check out the latest features:

Integration with GPT-4: Advanced AI generating more relevant and contextualized responses

Integration with 5 new platforms: Outlook, Producthunt, Confluence, YouTube, and Instagram

Platform-specific prompt examples: Guiding users in structuring better requests for optimized results

Improved app speed: Experience a smoother and faster content creation process

A new, two-fold fine-tuned AI model

Numerous bug fixes: Enhanced platform reliability for all users

Incorporating user feedback: Ongoing enhancements based on your valuable input


3nd Mar 2023

The latest and greatest is here! Composing tweets, emails and linkedin posts has never been easier. The upscale includes:

Ability to compose tweets, emails and linkedin posts

Compose emails with the context of the opened email

Bug fixes and performance improvements

Integration with Jira

A new, two-fold fine-tuned AI model

New user experience and design

10x faster response time

2x more contextual information


23th Feb 2023

We’re excited to announce our latest release which brings significant updates to enhance flexibility, a fresh new design, and the ability to create custom prompts. More updates and features included in this version are:

Better prompt design

Ability to generate responses based on user’s customized prompt

New user experience and design

Bug and issue fixes

Faster response time

Enrich content with more contextual information


9th Feb 2023 v1.0.10 facilitates better tweet generation and trello interactivity.

Enable tweet generation in mulitple lightboxes

Create trello comments also based based on ticket information

Integrate more contextual information on all platform

Various bugs fixes

User experience updates


1st Feb 2023

First release. Replix AI enables contextual content generation for Gmail, Twitter, Linkedin and Trello blazingly fast. Never spend time again to think about responding to a tweet, email, trello comment or linkedin post.